
Southern Cone gas and power markets: 7 things to look for in 2024

Predictions for the year ahead

1 minute read

Javier Toro

Senior Research Manager – Southern Cone Gas and Power Services

Specialist in natural gas, power and renewable energy, Javier is an economist with more than 12 years of experience.

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What's in the full report?

As we entered the new year, the Southern Cone gas and power markets faced some challenges. So, what are the trends and themes that will shape those markets in 2024? 

In this report from our Southern Cone Gas, Power & Renewables Service we tackle the key questions, including:

  • How will infrastructure development be impacted in 2024?
  • How will Argentina's new government influence the gas and power markets?
  • What is the context behind the new energy transition policy in Chile?
  • What can be expected for power auctions in Brazil in 2024
  • How will YPFB change its commercialisation strategy?

Fill in the form at the top of the page for your copy of the full report.