
2025 outlook

North American oil, power and gas trading: 7 things to look out for in 2025

From extreme weather events to the global effects of Canada’s new TMX pipeline, what will shape the markets this year?

In the full report:

  • Price volatility continues
  • New TMX pipeline has implications way beyond Canada’s borders
  • Consolidation in the Permian basin
  • Renewable interconnections continue, but could face delays
  • And more.

1 minute read

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Rebekah Llamas

Head of Market Intelligence, Power Markets Research

Rebekah oversees our Short-term Market Intelligence Team for North America.

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Last year was an eventful year for North American oil, power and gas. From freeze-offs to deliberate production curtailments, traders had to be on top of events as they happened to stay ahead of the market.

Forewarned is forearmed, so what factors and trends will shape supply and demand in coming year? We set out our predictions in What’s ahead for North American oil, power, and gas trading in 2025?

Fill in the form to download your complimentary copy, and read on for a short introduction to a few of the key themes.

Price volatility continues across the oil, gas and power markets in 2025

As we move into 2025, price volatility is expected to remain a key challenge across the oil, gas and power sectors. This is influenced by a variety of factors.

In the oil and gas sectors, one major consideration will be how quickly deferred wells are brought back online. In 2024, weak prices led producers to delay completing wells, directly impacting production levels. Spot prices for natural gas at West Texas trading hubs even dropped into negative territory for extended periods, exacerbated by pipeline maintenance.

In the power sector, price volatility will be shaped by significant changes in demand and supply dynamics. Growing demand from large-load centres, such as AI data centres, manufacturing and crypto mining, is set to disrupt short-term power markets.

For more on these price factors, read the full report.

Consolidation in the Permian Basin will continue to shape the oil and gas sectors

Consolidation is a significant ongoing trend in the Permian Basin, influencing both the oil and gas sectors. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) shattered records in 2023, with total spending hitting US$130 billion. The streak continued into 2024, with a number of notable deals and acquisitions.

Read the full report for more on this, plus: the role of the US in the global liquids trade, implications of the new TMX pipeline, planned thermal retirements, renewable interconnection delays, extreme weather events and more.

Fill in the form at the top of the page for your complimentary copy.