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Top 10 articles of 2022

2022 was an unprecedented year for energy and commodities. We look back at our 10 most popular articles.

1 minute read

1. Security alert: five lessons from the energy crisis

The crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine is forcing a rethink of the outlook for energy. The world is facing tough decisions as it attempts to meet demand while keeping sight of climate goals.

2. Energy super basins: where the renewable, CCS and upstream stars align

The world’s need for sustainable energy is set to change the geography of the oil and gas industry. We assess the potential of energy super basins of the future – and where the winners and losers may lie.

3. No pain, no gain: the economic consequences of accelerating the energy transition

An accelerated energy transition will pay off – both in economic and planetary terms.

4. Red metal, green demand: Copper's critical role in achieving net zero

Copper is a critical component of a zero-carbon economy. However, to meet net zero targets new projects must be delivered at a frequency and consistent level of financing never before accomplished.

5. The big ban: global commodities in a post-Ukraine-war world

With the world entering a new geopolitical paradigm, fresh thinking is required. In this Horizons report, we consider the consequences of the war for commodities and how governments, companies and investors must respond.

6. Pedal to the metal: iron and steel's US$1.4 trillion shot at decarbonisation

Green steel calls for a revolution at every stage of the value chain. It demands faster commercialisation of new technologies, policy support – and huge capital outlay.  Read our report to explore the US$1.4 trillion opportunity.

7. Will sodium-ion battery cells be a game-changer for electric vehicle and energy storage markets?

What is the potential for Na-ion batteries and could they provide a lower cost alternative to Li-on cells?

Stack of blue batteries

8. Crisis in Ukraine: the global risks to commodities

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war will have long lasting implications for the global economy and markets.

Gas processing facility

9. Bio-liquid gold: how biofuel circularity could unlock the energy transition

Biofuels could emit 80% less carbon than crude oil-based products. But how will that switch happen? Our insight digs into the waste-to-biofuel opportunity.

10. The growth and growth of the global energy storage market

We take a detailed look at the drivers of energy storage across the world.