
What would a potential Serica-Kistos merger look like?

Serica Energy and Kistos reach stand-off over potential North Sea merger

1 minute read

On 12 July 2022, Dutch-based Kistos announced it had proposed a cash and share offer to acquire UK-based Serica Energy. The board of Serica rejected the proposal but recognising the potential benefits of a merger, it then made its own approach to takeover Kistos which has been met with a similar response. 

The combined entity would create a new gas-weighted, pan-North Sea indepedent producing up to 40,000 boe/d. In this short video, we discuss some of the strategic drivers behind the proposed merger in terms of value, production, cash-flow generation and carbon intensity.

In this short video Research Director, Neivan Boroujerdi uses Lens Upstream to look into:

  • The strategic drivers behind the proposed merger
  • What the combined entity would look like in terms of production, cash-flow and value

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  • Discover, model and value assets and companies and test hypotheses to assess risk vs. reward
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