Products & services

Ethylene Oxide, EODs & Glycols

Identify commercial opportunities and evaluate long term trends with market-leading research on ethylene oxide, glycols and other ethylene oxide (EOD) derivative industries.

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Understand the commercial and strategic drivers of supply/demand, price forecasts and leading market trends

Our robust and comprehensive services cover global ethylene oxide price information and strategic supply/demand trend analysis by region or country.

Use the dynamic data together with our interactive asset cost models to get a clear picture of production capacity, supply/demand, market trends and price fluctuations, and understand where opportunities lie for your specific business.

Features at a glance

For the ethylene oxide and glycols industry (EOEG), we offer 3 services:

  • Ethylene oxide and glycols short term service
  • Ethylene oxide and glycols long-term service
  • Ethylene oxide and glycols asset benchmarking tool

Ethylene oxide and glycols short-term service

Gain an integrated view of global short-term supply and demand, capacities and pricing with granular analysis and expert insights of chemical markets.

Our EOEG short-term service provides a monthly report about key events in the polyethylene terephthalate (PET), EO/MEG and derivatives industries. It includes newsworthy items, prices, graphics and analysis on the world market trends for these products. The main derivative coverage includes higher glycols, ethanolamines, glycol ethers and PEGs, plus a general overview of oil and ethylene feedstocks.

Prices published are often cited in contracts involving buyers and sellers for these products. Accompanying this service is a short-term price forecast for MEG by month for the current year and year ahead.                      

Ethylene oxide and glycols long-term service

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our EO MEG long-term service includes bi-annual reports with analysis and forecasting of the global EO MEG and derivative markets. It provides an interpretive view of projects, producer capacity, turnaround and shutdown data, supply/demand dynamics, trade data, and asset utilisation.

With your subscription you will receive our detailed report which provides analysis on our view of the data and you will also receive the following.

  • Monoethylene glycol price and margin long-term outlook
  • Ethylene oxide and glycol supply demand - monthly balance
  • Ethylene oxide and glycol supply demand - 2021 outlook to 2052
  • Ethylene oxide and glycol expansion report
  • Ethylene oxide and glycol capacity & projects
  • Ethylene oxide and derivatives capacity & projects

Ethylene oxide and glycols asset benchmarking tool

Optimise your commercial strategy with an integrated view of long-term market dynamics and strategic insights of global chemical markets.

Our EO MEG asset benchmarking tool is an interactive excel model covering over 180 assets across the world. This service provides full granular detail on feedstock cost input and allows the user to focus on EO or MEG…or both.  

It enables users to generate regional or global cost curves with margin profiles based on asset feedstock and utility data along with technology differences including those MEG assets based on coal feedstock. The tool also allows the user to construct custom asset data as well as providing the flexibility of changing key parameters. A deeper functionality can be achieved via a connection with our ethylene asset benchmarking tool.              

Designed to help you:
  • Examine the outlook on production costs and profitability for ethylene oxide, glycols and key feedstocks
  • Recognise pricing and demand patterns for these chemistries
  • Understand the supply/demand outlook both globally and on a granular, regional level
  • Identify inter-regional trade patterns and arbitrage opportunities
  • Assess the impacts of plant outages, supply restrictions, technology changes and other factors
  • Identify opportunities and protect against risk in the commodity chemical market