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The Interchange Live from the Wood Mackenzie Solar & Energy Storage Summit 2023 – Day 3

Accelerating the expansion of utility-scale solar

Solar is attracting the power generation industry’s best talent. As solar and storage enter a new era of applied strategy, better analytics and tools are accelerating growth. Pine Gate Renewables is aiming to ‘get solar done’ by providing renewable energy to local communities across the country.

On today’s episode of the Interchange: Recharged, host David Banmiller is joined by David Groleau, Senior Vice President of Origination at Pine Gate. Together, they explore how unprecedented demand and regulatory integrations are transforming solar and storage in the US.

Plus, more of the best discussions from a packed Solar and Energy Storage Summit in San Francisco. David Banmiller is joined by solar and storage experts with a focus on community and social enterprise, live from the WoodMac event, including:

  • Patrick Regan of Crossroads Solar
  • Bill Jordan of community initiative Let's Share the Sun
  • Eric Hafter from Origami Solar
  • Nate Webb of Passage Studio & Robert Cross from Cross Consulting Services

Missed out on our live coverage of day one or day two of the Solar & Storage Summit? Catch up here.  

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Pine Gate Renewables is a fully integrated renewable energy company powering the nation's energy transition with trusted utility-scale energy and storage solutions. Building projects from a community mindset, Pine Gate is committed to delivering sustainable value where we live, work and operate. Visit