*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below
What’s inside this report?
Two major paraxylene investments are due to come online in China between 2020 and 2023.These projects will add capacity to the market on an overwhelming scale.
This analysis explores the likely impact of these investments on gasoline and naphtha balances across the region.
What key questions does this report answer?
- What are the implications of these new PX investments on gasoline and naphtha balances across the region? And what will the knock-on impact on refineries be?
- Will the new China refineries be able to source sufficient heavy oil to suit their configuration – and what is the impact on supply and demand balance if not?
- With the uncertainty surrounding the IMO regulations, are there scenarios for bunker fuels that could impact asset competitiveness?
Report summary
Table of contents
- No table of contents specified
Tables and charts
No table or charts specified
What's included
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