
BOPA Film Global Supply Demand Study to 2022

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This latest report on the global market for Bi-Oriented Polyamide films (BOPA) will help you gain insight into the key growth drivers in this 286,000 tonne market through to 2022. We explore how you can take advantage of regional growth opportunities in a global market expected to grow at 4.8% p.a. (conservative). The report also looks at growth by regions and end uses. Report identifies investment plans of the company that already owns nearly 20% of the world’s BOPA film production. Use this report to identify opportunities to build new film extrusion plants or acquire regional players to provide long term growth.

Table of Contents

1.Executive Summary and Conclusions
3.World BOPA Film Capacity & Production
4.World BOPA Film Trade Between Regions
5.World BOPA Film Consumption
•By film type
•By end use
6.Future BOPA Film Market Prospects
7.Regional BOPA Film Markets
•Central & East Asia
•South East Asia & Oceania
•North America
•Central & South America
•Middle East & Africa
•European Union
•Other Europe
8.World BOPA Film Producer Profiles

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

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  • Document

    PDF_BOPA Film Global Supply Demand Study to 2022.pdf

    PDF 2.51 MB