
Propylene long-term service enhancements

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We have made some significant enhancements to the recently published Propylene global supply demand analytics service – October 2020. This includes more detailed data and streamlined deliverables to enhance the granularity and user experience of our long-term commodity reports. Read the insight to discover some of the new analysis you can do with these enhancements, including: • A deeper dive into European, African and Russia and the Caspian’s propylene industry by country • Identify countries in Europe at risk of capacity consolidation • Interrogate intra- and inter-regional trade flows by country • Explore the new dashboard content and features This insight aims to provide the key takeaways from the enhanced analysis and serves as a walkthrough guide of the new data and enhancements. If you have any questions or feedback on the service enhancements, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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  • Document

    Propylene Long Term Service Enhancements

    PDF 2.55 MB