Commodity Market Report

Global metallurgical coal short-term outlook April 2024

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Australian PLV HCC prices bottomed out at US$224/t before rebounding in April, reaching their lowest level in ten months. Demand support from India fell away and ongoing concerns around the Chinese macroeconomy dragged on prices. However, a recovery in Chinese steelmaking profitability coupled with an Indian return to the markets has now lent demand, and prices, some support. While demand remains shaky, there are some new risks to supply on the horizon. A guidance downgrade from BMA and the potential for disruption from Anglo's longwall moves are bullish signals for prices. Read our report to understand: • How will prices develop in Q2 and H2 2024? • When should we expect to see demand and production recover in China? • What are the main risk factors for prices? • How will the monsoon season affect Indian demand patterns?

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  • Document

    Global Metallurgical Markets Short Term Outlook April 2024.pdf

    PDF 1.41 MB