Commodity Market Report

Global Metallurgical Coal Strategic Planning Outlook 2024

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Near-term events such as the supply disruptions in Australia, trade flow changes and sanctions on Russia continue to keep the metallurgical coal markets volatile. Our strategic outlook shows consistent demand for metallurgical coal on the seaborne market. A greenfield metallurgical coal supply response beyond the current global operating capacity is still required to meet demand from growing economies such as India. Despite this stable demand outlook, miners face risks at every corner, causing reluctance to invest in future capacity. Read our report to understand: • What is our outlook for global seaborne met coal demand by 2050? • How much new hard coking coal (HCC) capacity will be required by 2050? • Which countries will provide additional met coal supply until 2050? • How will prices develop by 2050?

Table of contents

  • Key assumptions
  • Global metallurgical coal markets at a glance
  • Report name change

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • H1 2024 Assumptions
  • Key conclusions

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Metallurgical Coal Strategic Planning Outlook 2024.pdf

    PDF 1.64 MB