Commodity Market Report

Global thermal coal long-term outlook H2 2019: Coal's future diminishing under the allure of economic renewables

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The thermal coal market continues to be volatile as various governments around the world implement policies both for and against coal. The Americas and Europe push towards a less carbon intensive future building out renewables and burning natural gas at record levels as they shift from coal. Many of these countries have set deadlines to be “free of coal” and, in some cases, are even moving these deadlines forward. However, in Asia, coal is being embraced as the fuel of economic growth, particularly in India, China and Southeast Asia. These countries are pursuing what was once called the “American Dream” – a middle class built on the wealth generated from manufacturing. They have neither the extensive electric transmission grids nor the gas infrastructure of more developed countries. This often leaves coal as the fuel of choice due to its reliability, low fuel cost, and ability to be placed near demand centres. At least…for now.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 21 images and tables including:

  • Calculation of Chinese domestic FOB prices netback to Newcastle benchmark (real 2019, US$/t)
  • Phase 1 marker coal price forecast (real 2019, US$/t)
  • ARA vs TTF gas price forecast (real 2019)
  • North Asia coal-gas switching incentives
  • Phase II marker coal price forecast (real 2019, US$/t)
  • Supply gap vs FOB Newcastle
  • Quality adjusted costs vs FOB Newcastle
  • Seaborne demand vs supply status
  • Seaborne thermal export incentive prices
  • Phase III marker coal price forecast (real 2019, US$/t)
  • Thermal coal price forecast, FOB
  • Thermal coal price forecast, CFR
  • Phase IV marker coal price forecast (real 2019, US$/t)
  • Global thermal coal demand for power
  • Global thermal coal demand for non-power
  • Seaborne thermal coal demand by region
  • Seaborne thermal coal demand cumulative change by region
  • Seaborne export cost curve 2019
  • Seaborne export cost curve 2040
  • Seaborne thermal coal supply by country
  • Change in seaborne thermal exports 2019-2040

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global thermal coal long-term outlook H2 2019: Coal's future diminishing under the allure of economic renewables

    PDF 1.02 MB