Commodity Market Report

North America Coal Strategic Planning Outlook - H1 2023

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In the near term, domestic demand for thermal coal starts to drop more quickly than supply as coal-fired generation faces tough competition from low-price natural gas. With Henry Hub prices below US$3/mmbtu, coal-to-gas switching results in a year-over-year 15% decline in coal burn in 2023. Total production is slower to respond, and the net effect is a rapid turnaround from depleted to abundant EGU stockpiles. Over time, the supply-demand gap narrows with producers responding to lower demand. Stockpile withdrawals return after 2025, but at a more modest rate.

Table of contents

  • Report style and name change
  • Executive Summary

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • US supply/demand balance

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    North America Coal Strategic Planning Outlook H1 2023 Main Report.pdf

    PDF 1.05 MB