
China unveils 'blue sky defence' action plan: what are the implications?

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On 3 July 2018, China’s State Council released the full text of a three-year action plan to curb air pollution by 2020. The plan follows through the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan (APPCAP) of 2013, which laid the groundwork in improving air quality and removing capacity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. The target area for air pollution control and prevention now includes the ‘2+26’ cities, 11 cities in the Fenwei plain and provinces in the Yangtze River Delta. Some provinces have already announced specific targets, but according to the central plan, greater focus will be placed on the sources of air pollution in the heating, power, metals and mining, and transport sectors. Inspections and production curbs will increase between September and March. Last year, it was limited to winter only. So, how is the plan targeting these key sectors and what challenges could they face?  

Table of contents

  • Event:
  • Winter heating
  • Power and renewables
  • Metals and mining
  • Transport
    • China map key regions
    • Note: the original APPCAP plan applied only to the provinces shown within the yellow boundaries. The Blue Sky Defence Action plan extends beyond that and now covers areas shown in blue (2+26 cities), orange (Fen-Wei plains) and red (provinces of Yangtze River Delta).

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • 2018 capacity share for key sectors in the affected region
  • China unveils 'blue sky defence' action plan: what are the implications?: Image 1

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    China unveils 'blue sky defence' action plan: what are the implications?

    PDF 698.10 KB