Commodity Market Report

Europe energy policy long-term outlook 2019

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Europe's declining gas production and increasing reliance on imports has led the EU to develop a number of strategies to mitigate risks as energy regulation is consolidated at a European level. Two overarching objectives drive the EU's energy strategies: addressing long-term security of supply and climate issues. EU policies encourage a fully integrated internal energy market, namely for gas and power, eyeing the removal of regulatory obstacles and developing a comprehensive network of interconnecting infrastructure. 2020 targets to achieve emissions reductions and increased renewables' share in the region's energy mix are likely to be met, but improved energy efficiency targets are challenging. Progression towards more ambitious 2030 goals has been mixed. This is part of a package of Europe gas reports detailing our latest long-term outlook. Look out for more on: demand; infrastructure; prices; supply; imports and contracts, and our briefing pack.

Table of contents

  • Main projects and initiatives
  • Security of supply and solidarity
  • Main projects and initiatives
  • Internal market
  • Competition
  • Antitrust enforcement
  • Main projects and initiatives
  • The Paris Agreement: an upside risk for EU climate change targets
  • Clean Mobility
  • Clean Energy for all Europeans
  • Renewable energy targets
  • Strengthening the EU emissions market
  • Main projects and initiatives:
  • Energy efficiency targets

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • EU emissions and EU 2020 and 2030 emissions targets
  • EU emissions reduction targets versus Wood Mackenzie Outlook (2018-2030)
  • Renewables share in power output – EU target versus Wood Mackenzie EU forecast
  • Renewables share in power output - EU 28

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Europe energy policy long-term outlook 2019

    PDF 1.09 MB