Commodity Market Report

Europe gas infrastructure long-term outlook H1 2019

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The completion of TANAP in Turkey represents a significant milestone in the development of the European gas pipeline infrastructure. It will allow significant volumes of gas from Azerbaijan transiting to other European markets through TAP. Both strings of the TurkStream pipeline across the Black Sea were completed in 2018. They will provide Russia with an alternative route into Turkey and Southeast Europe. Nord Stream 2 continues to make progress despite significant hurdles. However, the commercial arguments for the pipeline remain robust and pipe laying work is at an advanced stage. Summer winter price spreads at European gas hubs have been much higher in 2019 than previous years. This means storage/capacity owners will make significant profits from storage for the first time in several years. LNG imports are beginning to increase with the commissioning of new US LNG export capacity – over 105 bcma (~77 mmtpa) by 2022. Average European utilisation will hit 43% in 2019.

Table of contents

  • Import pipeline developments
  • European pipeline developments
  • Baltic / Central Europe interconnectors
  • Transportation tariffs
  • Historical capacity developments since 2010
    • Existing infrastructure
    • Recent terminal developments and infrastructure under construction
    • Proposed terminals and expansions
    • FSRUs
    • Transhipments and reloads
    • Other services
    • Example of tariff calculation: Barcelona LNG terminal

Tables and charts

This report includes 17 images and tables including:

  • Existing gas storage infrastructure
  • Europe gas storage summary table 2019
  • Regulation of gas storage in different markets
  • European storage capacity vs days' cover
  • Storage closures
  • Days' storage cover by country 2019
  • Aggregate European storage capacity outlook H1 2019
  • European storage build
  • Forecast storage closures
  • Projects under construction or planned
  • Active conventional scale regasification terminals
  • Regas capacity by country
  • Historic Utilisation
  • Forecast utilisation
  • Regas capacity by status
  • Regas capacity and contracted volumes
  • Terminal tariffs

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Europe gas infrastructure long-term outlook H1 2019

    PDF 2.74 MB