
Gas demand response to lower prices

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In 2022, record-high prices forced many companies in Europe and Asia to limit their exposure to the spot market, to switch from gas to alternative cheaper fuels, and/or to reduce their output. The market will seek a new balance this year. Global gas prices have softened to around US$15/mmbtu in early 2023. If gas prices decline further, utilities could be incentivised to recover some gas demand against competing fuels. This insight is a review of the main switching levels across Europe and Asia. The purpose is to: - provide useful context on demand response - evaluate the most indicative pricing levels - evaluate materiality of potential switching

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Extract from the main deliverable

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Gas Demand Response To Lower Prices.pdf

    PDF 1020.14 KB