
Gas watts up: exploding data center growth and what it means for the US gas market

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Data centers are not new, but AI and cloud computing have accelerated its growth. Although their ever-increasing electricity demands in the future have a significant cone of uncertainty in terms of growth and how it will be met, incremental gas generation may be called upon further expanding the US gas market. This North America gas research insight seeks to explore: • What are data centers and its power requirements? • Under various scenarios, how much incremental gas demand would arise? • What issues does the US gas market need to address with higher gas generation?

Table of contents

  • Executive summary

Tables and charts

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What's included

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  • Document

    Gas watts up: exploding data center growth and what it means for the US gas market

    PDF 915.47 KB

  • Document

    DC NAGS.pdf

    PDF 1.24 MB