Commodity Market Report

Global gas market long-term outlook - Asia gas and LNG - H2 2019

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Key highlights: - Asian LNG demand grew strongly in 2018 but the tide turned in 2019 and headwinds continue - China's gas demand weakens but unconventionals and lack of exploration drag down production to LNG's benefit - North Asia policy shifts away from coal to the benefit of LNG - Reduced production expectations in key markets like Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia - But stronger indigenous volumes in India dampens the LNG outlook - South & South East Asia: The engine room of long-term Asian LNG demand? - Latest contracting activity

Table of contents

  • China's gas demand weakens but rising gas-on-gas competition benefits LNG
  • North Asia shifts away from coal to the benefit of LNG
  • Reduced production expectations in key markets like Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia but stronger indigenous volumes in India dampens the LNG outlook
    • See the supporting excel spreadsheet for gas demand by country by sector, gas market balances, power demand, generation mix, LNG demand and contracts, pipeline contracts and other key data.
    • JKT – Fuel competition in the power sector and environmental policy increasingly drive LNG demand
    • South East Asia –piped gas production stagnates despite recent discoveries,boosts long term LNG demand
  • China gas pipeline trade
  • Other proposed transnational gas pipeline trade
  • Asia has the worst air quality globally
  • Carbon pricing outlook
  • Asia’s population growth slows
  • GDP grows, but wide disparities in income levels will continue

Tables and charts

This report includes 33 images and tables including:

  • LNG import growth from 2019 to 2040
  • Figure 2: Gas demand by region
  • Figure 3: Gas demand by region
  • Figure 4: China gas demand by sector
  • Figure 5: Relative growth rates power and gas
  • Table 3: LNG Trade (mmtpa)
  • China contracted LNG supply vs demand
  • JKT contracted LNG supply vs demand
  • SE Asia contracted LNG supply vs demand
  • South Asia contracted LNG supply vs demand
  • Figure 18: Indicative gas market pricing in Asia
  • Figure 19: Global Air Quality Index (AQI)
  • Figure 20: Verisk Maplecroft Air Quality Index by region
  • Figure 21: GDP growth by region
  • Figure 22: GDP per capita by country
  • Figure 23: GDP per capita by region
  • Asia LNG imports - H2 2019 vs H1 2019
  • Table 1: Key changes to analysis from H1 2019 publication
  • Figure 1: Asia gas demand by sector
  • Table 2: Gas demand by country (bcm)
  • Figure 6: JKT gas demand by sector
  • Figure 7: Relative growth rates power and gas
  • Figure 8: South Asia gas demand by sector
  • Figure 9: Relative growth rates power and gas
  • Figure 10: SE Asia gas demand by sector
  • Figure 11: Relative growth rates power and gas
  • Figure 12: Asia gas supply mix
  • Figure 13: Asia domestic production by status
  • Figure 14: Asia domestic production by region
  • Figure 15: Gas production vs demand
  • Figure 16: Asia pipeline trade (excluding SE Asia internal trade)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global_Gas_Asia_Pacific_Long-Term_H2 2019.xlsx

    XLSX 846.99 KB

  • Document

    Global gas market long-term outlook - Asia gas and LNG - H2 2019

    PDF 1.36 MB