Commodity Market Report

Global short-term LNG demand tracker (Q1 2023)

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Chinese imports remain restricted to contracted volumes, despite the re-opening of the economy. Low forex reserves inhibit Bangladesh and Pakistan’s ability to pay, even for contracted cargoes. India continues to maximize domestic production and the use of alternative fuels. Europe maintains strong receipts of LNG while gas storage remains high. We expect a small increase in European gas demand for power over summer (via coal-to-gas switching), and for non-power gas demand to stop declining in 2023.

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  • Document

    LNG Short Term Demand Q1 2023 (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 1.93 MB

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Demand Q1 2023.pdf

    PDF 3.13 MB

  • Document

    Global short-term LNG demand tracker (Q1 2023)

    PDF 1.31 MB