Commodity Market Report

Global short-term LNG demand tracker (Q4 2022)

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Following a warmer-than-usual October, November also turned out to be mild in both Europe and Asia, which allowed stock levels to increase further. As temperatures fell in mid-November, heating demand picked up and withdrawals started. Europe was able to increase imports, and November set a record for the region. Asian patterns, on the other hand, didn’t change – Japan, Korea and China still have high stock levels, which heavily limit their spot activity.

Table of contents

  • The market is well prepared for winter, but a lot of uncertainty around peak winter gas demand remains
  • Related reports

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Demand Q4 2022 (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 1.94 MB

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Demand Q4 2022.pdf

    PDF 2.79 MB

  • Document

    Global short-term LNG demand tracker (Q4 2022)

    PDF 1.31 MB