Commodity Market Report

Jiangsu gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Populous Jiangsu is forecast to account for over 9% of China’s GDP and a little over 9% of the country’s total electricity and gas. Growth has largely been supported by a coal-fired economy, while gas use remains a smaller part of the energy mix.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Economic outlook
  • Infrastructure
  • Policy and regulation
    • Gas demand overview
    • Power sector gas demand
      • Installed Power Capacity
      • Power output
      • Power demand
    • Non Power Demand
      • Industry & chemical
      • Residential & commercial
      • Transportation
    • Supply-demand balance
    • Domestic supply allocation
      • Contracted and technical reserves
      • Yet-to-find and unconventional gas supply
    • Imported gas supply allocation
      • Pipeline gas
      • LNG
    • Supply cost stack
    • Weighted average cost of supply
    • End-user pricing

Tables and charts

This report includes 25 images and tables including:

  • Jiangsu total gas demand summary
  • Jiangsu total gas supply-demand balance summary
  • Economic indicators - Jiangsu
  • Jiangsu gas and power infrastructure map
  • Policy and regulation: Table 1
  • Jiangsu total gas demand
  • Jiangsu gas demand by sector
  • Jiangsu gas supply-demand balance
  • Contracted domestic supply allocation
  • Uncontracted domestic supply allocation
  • Yet-to-find domestic supply allocation
  • Jiangsu supply cost stack 2015
  • Jiangsu supply cost stack 2035
  • Jiangsu weighted average cost of gas vs. competing fuels
  • Jiangsu end-user gas prices vs. competing fuels (Q1 2015)
  • Jiangsu installed capacity by fuel type
  • Jiangsu monthly output
  • Jiangsu yearly output
  • Jiangsu power demand forecast
  • Unconventional gas demand
  • Shale gas by basin
  • CBM by basin
  • Import pipeline gas supply
  • LNG supply vs regas capacity
  • LNG terminals

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Jiangsu Gas Data.xls

    XLS 624.50 KB

  • Document

    Jiangsu gas markets long-term outlook H1 2015

    PDF 565.69 KB

  • Document

    Executive summary

    PDF 97.91 KB

  • Document

    Economic outlook

    PDF 76.42 KB

  • Document


    PDF 266.38 KB

  • Document

    Policy and regulation

    PDF 59.73 KB

  • Document


    PDF 145.73 KB

  • Document

    Supply-demand balances

    PDF 121.73 KB

  • Document


    PDF 81.05 KB

  • Document


    PDF 80.31 KB