Commodity Market Report

LNG short-term trade and price outlook (Q2 2023)

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Global gas prices plunged in May. European gas demand has failed to respond so far, particularly in the industrial sector, propelling prices into the $7-8/mmbtu range. Demand in emerging markets has already started to respond to declining prices – India, Thailand, Pakistan and smaller Southeast Asian markets. However, above-average storage levels and mild temperatures in Japan and Korea have kept LNG demand and the need for injection muted. China’s GDP growth rebounded in Q1 but growth in industrial sector remains below expectations.

Table of contents

  • Market prices hit a 2-year low, desperately seeking some tangible demand response

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Outlook Q2 2023 (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 274.37 KB

  • Document

    LNG Short Term Outlook Q2 2023.pdf

    PDF 2.00 MB