Commodity Market Report

North America gas long-term outlook H2 2015 highlights

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

Upstream activity in North America is lower than ever, but production potential is higher than ever because wellhead breakevens continue to decline. High-intensity completions in gas plays increase recovery rates, while reduced service costs are bringing down drilling and completion costs in tight oil plays. The resulting lower breakevens mean lower long-term gas prices. An average Henry Hub price of $3.07/mmbtu through 2025 supports the investment needed to connect US and Canadian supplies to higher-value markets through pipes, industrial projects, and liquefaction capacity.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • Gas price outlook

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    NAGS LTO Demand Breakout Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 1.22 MB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO Infrastructure Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 153.50 KB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO LNG Breakout Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 241.50 KB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO NGV Breakout Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 155.00 KB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO Price Outlook Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 957.50 KB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO Supply and Demand Balances Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 353.50 KB

  • Document

    NAGS LTO Supply Breakout Fall 2015.xls

    XLS 217.00 KB

  • Document

    North America gas long-term outlook H2 2015 highlights

    PDF 256.32 KB

  • Document

    Executive summary

    PDF 94.76 KB