
Northeast pipeline regulatory and shipper database (Q2 2018): pipelines propose smaller projects in the region

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Environmental groups and landowners continue to challenge larger Northeast projects long after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued their certificates. Opponents of new pipelines appeal the previously issued state and federal permits in US courts, thus delaying the pipeline construction even further. Because of undying regulatory pressure, pipeline companies are looking at developing smaller projects in the region. In the 2018 Q2 Northeast pipeline report, we added four new pipeline proposals with shorter developing times and simpler environmental analysis. We updated the following information for all Northeast pipeline projects: • FERC application status, receipt and delivery points, in-service date and capacity, and other important metrics for Northeast pipeline projects. This includes both those projects taking Marcellus and Utica supply to market and projects aimed to improve deliverability in New York and New England. • Our estimates of shipper volumes.

Table of contents

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This report contains:

  • Document

    Northeast Pipeline Schematic Maps.pdf

    PDF 767.38 KB

  • Document

    Northeast Pipeline Regulatory Timeline.xls (1)

    XLS 225.00 KB

  • Document

    Northeast Pipeline Shipper Data.xls (2)

    XLS 186.00 KB

  • Document

    Northeast pipeline regulatory and shipper database (Q2 2018): pipelines propose smaller projects in the region

    PDF 407.51 KB