
South East Asia coal, gas and power 2016 year in review and 2017 outlook

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2016 saw a wave of power and LNG investments across South East Asia. We review the activity and forecast what to expect in 2017.  Key content includes: Prediction accuracy indicator – How accurate were our forecasts for 2016? Key themes of 2016 – Significant LNG contracting occurred, but more remains to be one to replace declining domestic gas production. Power project delivery was slow and no where nearly matched government plans. Despite these challenges, the region remained attractive to investors, receiving over US$20 billion in investments in 2016 in the power sector. 2017 outlook – We expect renewables to start to take off; examine the Brexit/Trump effect on South East Asia; make a call on who the new long-term LNG buyers will be and which LNG regas terminals will start up. Other curated content – Links to our favourite South East Asia research videos, insights and other 2017 outlooks

Table of contents

  • Executive Summary

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • 2016 South East Asia in review: How accurate was Wood Mackenzie's 2016 outlook?
  • Wood Mackenzie's 2017 outlook

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    South East Asia coal, gas and power 2016 year in review and 2017 outlook.pdf

    PDF 1.50 MB