Commodity Market Report

Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 15 Feb 2024

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This reporting week, March TTF prices dropped to their lowest since June 2023, ending the week at $7.8/mmbtu. TTF prices remain at the bottom of the coal-to-gas switching range. As the winter season dwindles and heating demand wanes, downward pressure on prices continues. Northeast Asian LNG prices started the week flat before dipping by about 20 cents to below $9.0/mmbtu for April delivery. The spread between Northeast Asia DES and TTF prices currently supports cross-basin flows. Prompt Henry Hub prices have sharply declined since the front month rolled on to March and currently sit below the two-dollar mark at $1.7/mmbtu.

Table of contents

  • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section
  • European and Asian LNG prices drop to their lowest level since June 2023
    • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Weekly European gas fundamentals
  • Weekly floating LNG storage and trade routes

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Gas & LNG Executive Summary 20240215.pdf

    PDF 601.12 KB