Commodity Market Report

Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 16 May 2024

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June TTF prices dropped by $0.30 to $9.4/mmbtu. European gas balance loosened Week on Week (WoW) as mild weather kept demand low and storage levels rose to 65%. Gassco nominations increased to 324 mcmd from a three-month low, while Gulfaks, Karsto, and Visund operated at reduced capacity, with 39.6 mcmd unavailable. Maintenance at France's Montoir de Bretagne and Dunkerque LNG terminals will impact send out; Montoir's regasification capacity will be cut by 40% from Saturday until 15 June, resuming to 90% from 8-12 July, while Dunkerque’s maintenance from 10-15 May reduced send-out to 120 GWh/day.

Table of contents

  • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section
  • Freeport extended its run of all 3 trains online while Gassco continues maintenance season
    • >> The full report is available as a PDF in the Download section

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • Weekly European gas fundamentals
  • Weekly floating LNG storage and trade routes

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Gas & LNG Executive Summary 20240516.pdf

    PDF 674.83 KB