Commodity Market Report

LNG short-term analytics: Storage tracker

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

LNG Storage Tracker - We analyse key metrics to determine effective floating inventory levels historically and at present, along with estimated current inventory levels in key LNG importing markets such as Korea and Japan, and European and American gas storage. Included tracking is: Latest LNG on-the-water estimate Estimated LNG storage in key markets of South Korea and Japan Latest gas in storage in large gas markets in Europe

Table of contents

  • Total number of laden cargoes (all regions)
  • Laden cargoes from United States
  • Laden cargoes from Rest of Atlantic Basin
  • Laden cargoes from Middle East
  • Laden cargoes from Australia
  • Laden cargoes from R est of Asia Pacific Basin
  • South Korea LNG inventory
    • Summary Table: Northwest Europe
    • Time series: Northwest Europe
    • Summary Table: Iberian Peninsula
    • Time series: Iberian Peninsula
    • Summary Table: Rest of Europe
    • Time series: Rest of Europe

Tables and charts

This report includes 27 images and tables including:

  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Laden cargoes on water
  • Last 3 years
  • Last 3 years
  • City Gas - Last 3 years
  • Power Gas - Last 3 years
  • Weekly avg. inventory (Kt)
  • Daily inventory (Kt)
  • Weekly avg. inventory (Kt)
  • Daily inventory (Kt)
  • Weekly avg. inventory (Kt)
  • Daily inventory (Kt)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Short Term Storage Tracker (Data).xlsx

    XLSX 5.84 MB