
Q2 2023 North America LNG Projects Update

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2023 has already seen two large-scale projects sanctioned on the US Gulf Coast, Port Arthur LNG Phase 1 and Plaquemines LNG Phase 2. NextDecade’s Rio Grande LNG Phase 1 has completed financing and looks set to soon become the third. An FID at Rio Grande would take the total capacity sanctioned in 2023 to over 35 mmtpa, eclipsing the previous record of 33 mmtpa in 2019. And FIDs may not be done there.

Table of contents

  • Executive Summary
    • Rio Grande LNG Phase 1 moves towards FID
    • Cheniere begins marketing for Sabine Pass Stage 5 Expansion
    • Mexico Pacific executes another LNG SPA for its Saguaro Energia project
    • New Fortress Energy granted approval for its first Fast LNG unit
    • Delfin makes progress as it targets to sanction its first vessels before year-end
    • Venture Global has engineering and marketing success at CP2 LNG
    • US Department of Energy denies Lake Charles’ request for rehearing
    • Other notable events in the past quarter include:

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Q2 2023 North America LNG Projects Update.pdf

    PDF 1.56 MB

  • Document

    Q2 2023 North America Lng Fid Tracker.xlsx

    XLSX 15.11 MB