Asset Report

Wilhelmshaven 02

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Wilhelmshaven 02 is a floating regas terminal under construction at Wilhelmshaven port in Lower Saxony, northwest Germany. The port is a central trans-shipment location for crude oil, petroleum products, coal, and chemical products. It is operated by state-owned Niedersachsen Ports, which also runs the neighbouring Stade port.In September 2022, Engie, on behalf of the German government, signed a term sheet with Excelerate Energy for the five-year charter of an unspecified FSRU. In June ...

Table of contents

  • Key facts
  • Location maps
    • TES onshore project at Wilhelmshaven
  • Utilisation
  • Operational basis
  • Offtake
  • Tariffs
  • Future expansions

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Key facts: Table 1
  • Key facts: Table 2
  • Key facts: Table 3
  • Map

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Wilhelmshaven 02

    PDF 2.97 MB