
China economic focus January 2022: what to look for this year

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The Chinese economy is facing more challenges in 2022 from both internal and external markets. We’ve identified four areas to watch from the macroeconomic perspective: • How will the government stabilise growth? • How will China accelerate energy transition while minimising the impact on economic growth? • Will Covid restrictions continue to depress domestic consumption? • How will China’s international relations and trade evolve?

Table of contents

  • 1. Balancing growth
  • 2. Accelerate energy transition in a more rational way
  • 3. Covid restrictions depress domestic consumption
  • 4. International relations and trade complicate
  • Appendix

Tables and charts

This report includes 11 images and tables including:

  • Passenger turnover has been lower than 2020 level since August 2021
  • China’s trade surplus against the US
  • Wood Mackenzie’s proprietary China data
  • PMI
  • Trade
  • IP and retail sales
  • Inflation
  • Property
  • Investment
  • Money supply
  • Required reserve ratio

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    China economic focus January 2022: what to look for this year

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