
Thinking global energy transitions: the what, if, how and when

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The Energy Transition, from the "Age of Oil & Gas" to the "Age of Power & Renewables" is now well underway. It will have profound implications for commodity markets and the way live in the future. But there are many uncertainties surrounding technologies, policy, and timing. This thought leadership insight, the first in a series on this theme, focuses on the what, if, how and when of the energy transition.

Table of contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Demystifying energy transitions
    • The great fuel switch
    • The sustainability project
    • Environmental
    • Social
    • Technological
    • Economic
    • How long will the energy transition last?
  • Disruption ahead! The point of singularity
    • The impact of the GET on the energy industry
  • Conclusion: GET is unstoppable but it can only go so fast

Tables and charts

This report includes 2 images and tables including:

  • The Post Singularity World!!
  • Total market share of renewables (solar, wind) and electric vehicles (% of total market size)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Thinking global energy transitions: the what, if, how and when

    PDF 996.61 KB