
Base Metals Landing Page - Curated Metals & Mining

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This is a landing page hosting links (but not content) to the latest long-term outlooks, short-term outlooks and scenario analysis for the base metals; aluminium, copper, gold, lead, nickel, and zinc. We have also included a link to the metals cost curves tool at the bottom of the page. Contact or for more information. Similar landing pages available for bulk commodities and energy transition metals.

Table of contents

    • Latest long-term outlook:
    • Latest short-term outlook:
    • Latest AET-1.5 degree scenario* analysis:
    • Latest long-term outlook:
    • Latest short-term outlook:
    • Latest AET-1.5 degree scenario* analysis:
    • Latest long-term outlook:
    • Latest short-term outlook:
    • Latest long-term outlook:
    • Latest short-term outlook:
    • Latest AET-1.5 degree scenario* analysis:
    • Latest long-term outlook:
    • Latest short-term outlook:
    • Latest AET-1.5 degree scenario* analysis:
  • Metals Cost Curves

Tables and charts

No table or charts specified

What's included

This report contains: