
Can trade cases constrain Chinese steel exports?

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Cheap steel imports from China and other low-cost countries have been causing some worldwide issues in the steel industry including low capacity utilisation, low margins and even closures. China, as the top exporter has been the "go-to" country to blame. An increasing number of trade cases have therefore been raised against imports as local producers' last resort. In this insight, we analyse all the trade cases in 2015 around the world that were initiated against Chinese steel products and its impact on China's steel exports and global steel industry. 

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Chinese mills exporting their way out of trouble
  • Chinese exports: what and where to?
  • Trade cases against China in 2015
  • Conclusion

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Due to weak domestic demand, the share of exports of total production has been rising in China...
  • ...but it was still the lowest among the top 10 exporters in 2015.
  • Chinese steel exports by destination
  • Chinese exports are quite well spread.
  • Chinese steel exports by product
  • Trade cases initiated against China in 2015

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Can trade cases constrain Chinese steel exports?

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