Commodity Market Report

Global bulk steel alloys investment horizon outlook – Q4 2023

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The fundamentals underpinning bulk steel alloy markets have not changed meaningfully since our Q3 2023 long-term outlook. In China, market sentiment and consumption has begun to benefit from a newly announced raft of economic stimulus, while industrial production in western markets continues to gradually recover. Improved downstream consumption in the west will be aided by tempering inflation and interest rate cuts. These factors will provide impetus for some underperforming bulk steel alloy markets to improve through the early-2020s. Long-term, we maintain our view that bulk steel alloy markets will be adequately supplied.

Table of contents

  • Chromium
  • Manganese
  • Ferrosilicon
  • Silicon metal

Tables and charts

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  • Document

    Global Bulk Steel Alloys Investment Horizon Outlook Q4 2023.pdf

    PDF 2.13 MB