Commodity Market Report

Global cathode and precursor short-term outlook January 2023

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The dust has settled on a successful year of record electric vehicle (EV) penetration and battery material production, and New Year bringing new challenges to the supply chain with uncertainty remaining regarding the effect of EV subsidy cuts in China, and the potential effect of IRA in the USA. OEMs being forced to compete on a pure-market basis will be forced to move to a price war. The good news is that expectations on the market are it will be affordable for major producers, so we're definitely not expecting a collapse of EV sales, however, smaller companies and newcomers will be in the "make-or-brake" situation and forced to cut costs and make an all-in bet expecting their product will be met with appreciation by customers.

Table of contents

  • Precursor materials price
  • Supply & Demand
  • Supply chain
  • Recycling

Tables and charts

This report includes 15 images and tables including:

  • NCM precursor materials price, thousand $US/t
  • NCM precursor materials price forecast, thousand $US/t
  • Cathode materials price, thousand $US/t
  • Cathode materials price forecast, thousand $US/t
  • 2022 sales of EV with a plug by OEM group, and respectively installed
  • Total automotive sales, M units
  • Plug-in EV sales regional break, thousand units
  • The average plug-in EV battery size index, Jan 2019 = 100
  • Automotive segment cathode consumption in sold cars, kt of cathode material
  • Global cathode supply by type, kt
  • Global precursor supply by type, kt
  • Imports and exports of NCM (China)
  • Imports of NCM from China
  • Imports and exports of PNCM (China)
  • Imports and exports of PNCA (China)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global cathode and precursor short-term outlook January 2023

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