Commodity Market Report

Global lithium short-term outlook May 2022

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The May short-term outlook on the lithium market includes an overview of recent events, our outlook on supply and demand as well as a view on current prices and an outlook on quarterly prices for the next two years. While prices in Q2 2022 have increased, we have seen lithium prices plateauing with small declines in May. These are likely linked to the slowdown in China due to the COVID-19 related lockdowns in and around Shanghai.

Table of contents

  • Current prices
    • Lithium carbonate
    • Lithium hydroxide
    • Spodumene concentrate
  • Electric vehicles
  • Lithium
  • Supply
  • Lithium chemical
  • Spodumene concentrate
  • Resources
  • Refining
  • China market
  • The impact of Shanghai’s lockdown on the lithium market

Tables and charts

This report includes 14 images and tables including:

  • Electric vehicle sales by region, thousands of vehicles
  • Cathode demand by type, t
  • Lithium demand by cathode chemistry, t LCE
  • Lithium demand by product, kt LCE
  • Lithium chemical supply outlook by product, kt LCE
  • Chinese lithium carbonate import
  • Lithium carbonate
  • Lithium hydroxide
  • Lithium carbonate
  • Lithium hydroxide
  • Spodumene concentrate export
  • Quarterly lithium carbonate price forecast, US$/t CIF excluding VAT, nominal
  • Quarterly lithium hydroxide price forecast, US$/t CIF excluding VAT, nominal
  • Quarterly spodumene concentrate price forecast, US$/t CIF excluding VAT, nominal

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global lithium short-term outlook May 2022

    PDF 946.58 KB