Asset Report

Karlawinda Gold Mine Project

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The Karlawinda gold project is located approximately 1200km north-east of Perth and 60km south-east of Newman town in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The project is 100% owned by Capricorn Metals Ltd. The project incorporates conventional drill, blast and haul open pit mining at the Bibra deposit and an associated 3 Mtpa CIL processing plant. The project had an initial 8.5 year life of mine. In 2020, the Company announced an increase in ore reserves and resources, which extended the mine life to 10-12 years. Increased crushing capacity was achieved during the final design process, by scaling and modifying equipment selection and associated structures. The throughput capacity of the crushing and grinding circuit increased up to 4.5-5.0 Mtpa in the first three years and up to 4.0-4.5 Mtpa in solely fresh rock ore in years four and beyond.

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  • Document

    Karlawinda gold mine project

    XLS 120.00 KB

  • Document

    Karlawinda Gold Mine Project

    PDF 1.06 MB