
Metals and mining corporate in brief

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

The metals and mining corporate in brief report highlights the latest need-to-know events from the corporate global metals and mining sector. It is a rolling document, continuously updated with our analysis and opinion on events impacting the sector. The coverage includes the diversified mining companies that are the initial subjects of the Metals & Mining Corporate Service. Sources for the news stories include company press releases, industry events, press coverage, and our own research presentations and reports. Please bookmark this document as it will be republished continuously.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 41 images and tables including:

  • H1 2024 financial and operational results highlights
  • Iron ore production and guidance by company (Mt)
  • Q2 2024 financial and operational results highlights
  • Copper sales quarterly hedge profile
  • Freeport-McMoRan’s updated guidance for Q2 2024
  • Vale nickel production guidance and actual
  • World's top 10 copper mine in 2025E
  • Rio Tinto SGA balance (Mt)
  • Absolute scope 3 emissions reduction goals
  • Freeport-McMoRan Q1 2024 results and updated guidance
  • % of renewable energy sourced by company
  • Projects selected through IDP use technology that is ready for deployment but high in capital need
  • Zijin Mining attributable copper production ktpa Cu
  • Diversified miners' nickel operations as proportion of NAV
  • South32 balance sheet metrics after divestment
  • Iron ore grade and impurities by company
  • Vale equity attributable copper production
  • BHP's split of pre-tax NPV across regions and commodities
  • Capital intensity of Rio Tinto's iron ore replacement projects
  • Daunia and Blackwater proceeds and contingent pricing
  • Glencore copper production (Ktpa Cu Eq)
  • Glencore's nickel assets emissions intensity in 2023
  • Diversified miners’ decarbonisation and new energy expenditure guidance
  • BHP's operational intensity benchmark
  • Earnings before interest and tax US$ million
  • Capital intensity for global smelter capacity
  • Forecasted growth of DRI production
  • Revenue forecast for the Portovesme Hub*
  • Pre- and post-separation production exposure to Canada (copper equivalent basis)
  • 2023 Alumina Emissions Intensity Curve by Asset (Kg CO2e)
  • 2022 Attributable Contained Copper Production (Kt)
  • Revisions to long-term commodity prices (US$ 2023 real terms)
  • Rio Tinto copper production projections
  • Rio Tinto iron ore production forecast
  • Woodsmith Project Annual Development Capital Expenditure and Production
  • Forecasted growth of global green hydrogen supply
  • Copper assets in southern Peru
  • Table 1: The majors' iron ore projects in West Africa
  • Diesel-related emissions as a percentage of Scope 1 and 2 emissions

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Metals and mining corporate in brief

    PDF 5.96 MB