Asset Report

Simmergo (Tailings) (Closed) gold mine

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The operation closed in 1992. ERGO established the Simmergo Division in 1981 to treat dumps and underground ore at the old Simmer and Jack mines (Goldfields Group). ERGO acquired the rights to the Simmer and Jack workings by issuing one million ERGO shares to the vendors and by agreeing to pay a modest royalty. The agreement covered the underground Kimberley reef to a depth of 1,174m below datum. Production commenced in early 1983. A 1.8Mt/a plant was constructed to treat "high grade"...

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  • Document

    Simmergo (Tailings) (Closed) gold mine

    XLS 108.50 KB

  • Document

    Simmergo (Tailings) (Closed) gold mine

    PDF 1.18 MB