Asset Report

Stoilensky GOK iron ore mine

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The Stoilensky Mining and Processing Plant, known as Stoilensky GOK or SGOK, is a mid-sized iron ore mine in western Russia, near the border with Ukraine, approximately 490 kilometres south of Moscow. It is 100% owned by Russian steelmaker NLMK and primarily feeds their steel plant Lipetsk. A 6 Mtpa pellet plant, the largest in Russia was completed in 2016 and a quick ramp was achieved with 6 Mt produced in 2017. In recent years, the pellet output grew gradually to 6.7 Mt in 2020. The plant has the potential to increase output to 8 Mtpa and we have included these extra tonnes in our forecasts from 2023. In 2021, Stoilensky covers 97% of NLMK Group's pellet needs and 100% of NLMK Group's iron ore concentrate needs. The completion of the pellet plant brings NLMK's self sufficiency in pellets to 100%.

Table of contents

  • Infrastructure

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Cash costs
  • Cash costs
  • Product quality
  • Economic assumptions

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Stoilensky GOK iron ore mine

    PDF 1.77 MB

  • Document

    Stoilensky GOK.xls

    XLS 200.50 KB