
Sustainable smelting status report: How is the industry progressing in 2022?

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At the start of the year, the Sustainable Smelting team at Wood Mackenzie identified 5 initiatives in the metals and mining sector expected to see significant investment and industry development over the coming decade (Wood Mackenzie | 5 things to look out for in Sustainable Smelting during 2022). These would arrive as stakeholders look to increase the sustainability footprint of their supply chains, often targeting increased recycling, a reduction in carbon footprints, and a focus on environmental protection. In Wood Mackenzie’s recent sustainable smelting webinar (Wood Mackenzie | Webinar: Sustainable Smelting - driving a new industry dynamic), we discussed these developments and the current status of these initiatives and problems we foresee with the at-times optimistic targets. So, since then, what progress has the downstream smelting and processing sector made towards its decarbonisation targets?

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    Sustainable smelting status report: How is the industry progressing in 2022?

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