Asset Report

Tangshan steel plant

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Tangshan Iron and Steel is an integrated steel plant in Tangshan city, Hebei province. Tangshan is state-owned and now a subsidiary of Hebei Iron and Steel (HBIS) Group, the third-largest steel producer in China. Tangshan is a high-cost producer in China because it heavily depends on imported iron ore. Tangshan used to own a few captive mines, Shirengou, Bangmoshan, Miaogou and Sijiaying, all of which are now operated by Hebei Iron and Steel Mining after the consolidation in 2008. The plant also buys more than half of its coke from the merchant market.

Table of contents

  • Capital Cost
  • Operating cash costs

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Total operating cash costs-Finished steel

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document


    XLS 266.50 KB

  • Document

    Tangshan steel plant

    PDF 971.00 KB