
Will Guinea be to bauxite what the Pilbara is to Iron Ore?

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The global seaborne bauxite market needs a handful of projects to meet incremental demand requirements by 2030. Global seaborne bauxite demand is forecast to rise by 35Mtpa between 2015 and 2030. Moreover, another ~20Mtpa will be required to replace Malaysian production over the forecast period as the Malaysian reserve base becomes depleted with the result that total supply will need to rise by 55Mtpa. This insight follows our research visit to Guinea and inclusion of bauxite research in the Aluminium Markets Service Long Term Outlook. 

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 6 images and tables including:

  • Map of Guinean bauxite mines, projects and major infrastructure
  • Will Guinea be to bauxite what the Pilbara is to Iron Ore?: Image 3
  • Wood Mackenzie Guinean bauxite operation/project success matrix
  • Guinea mine/project ownership
  • Provincial Chinese alumina cash costs, 2016, US$/t
  • Global seaborne bauxite cash costs, (US$/t fob)

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Will Guinea be to bauxite what the Pilbara is to Iron Ore?

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