
Indonesian NPI: on hold until 2017

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Despite the Indonesian government promoting a list of at least 60 nickel projects that are loosely described as being under development and/or construction, very few can demonstrate noteworthy progress in the 12 months following the ore export ban. Indeed our recent research shows that significant volumes of nickel originating from a new nickel smelting industry in Indonesia are likely to be both lower and later than previously predicted.

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Indonesian nickel smelter projects categorised as "Probable"
  • Indonesian nickel smelter projects categorised as "Possible"
  • Potential Indonesian nickel in NPI capacity ramp up
  • Forecast Indonesian nickel in NPI production ramp up

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Indonesian NPI: on hold until 2017

    PDF 306.60 KB