
Infrastructure deep dive: Gulf Coast offshore terminals in a race to the finish line

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The flood of light sweet crude flowing into the US Gulf Coast from the lower 48 has driven the need for additional coastal export capacity. With inland coastal waters too shallow for Very Large Crude Carriers, offshore terminals in deep water have emerged as a logistical solution to maintain unfettered global access. Seven proposed projects have stepped up to the plate to answer the market’s call; however, the potential for overbuild threatens to inundate the market with a glut of export capacity. As a result, we estimate that only two to three projects will receive the go ahead to commence construction, making the competition a close race to the finish line. In this Insight, we will: -evaluate the different proposed offshore terminals project logistics, -assess their stage in the development process, -analyse the projects’ required capital, -and return focused tariff rates

Table of contents

Tables and charts

This report includes the following images and tables:

  • Texas Gulf Coast is the epicenter for potential offshore terminals

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Offshore Crude Terminal Tracker Tool.xlsx

    XLSX 200.38 KB

  • Document

    Offshore Export Terminal Deep Dive.pdf

    PDF 1.77 MB