Market Report

Global PV Manufacturing Attractiveness Index 2015 (PVMAX)

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This report provides a PV manufacturing attractiveness index (PVMAX) for countries around the world, factoring in criteria fundamental to the solar industry as well as pertaining to the broader manufacturing ecosystem. It is meant to help manufacturers select their next site and enable countries to improve their standing. The index focuses on a shortlist of 50 countries selected on the basis of demand availability and experience with high-tech manufacturing. These 50 countries have been assessed for PV manufacturing attractiveness based on their business environment, access to demand, PV manufacturing, and all-in costs.

Table of contents

  • Global PV Manufacturing Attractiveness Index 2015 (PVMAX)

Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global PV Manufacturing Attractiveness Index 2015 (PVMAX)

    PDF 907.08 KB