
Mexico gas and power markets: 2021 year-in-review

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

In 2021, gas and power markets began to resemble business-as-usual compared to the bleakness of mid-2020, as lockdown measures were lifted and economic activity resumed. However, in February an extreme weather event highlighted significant infrastructure deficiencies that compromised energy supply for several days with considerable repercussions in the gas and power markets. Moreover, frequent attempts to overhaul major regulations further increased the already growing uncertainty for private participants in the power sector, marking a tumultuous start to 2022. This insight covers 2021’s key market events in Mexico’s gas & power sector that marked the pace for 2022.

Table of contents

  • Executive summary
  • Two is company, but three is a crowd – polar vortex, gas crisis, and system-wide rolling blackouts
  • Regulatory uncertainty on the rise

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • Monthly average US-to-Mexico exports (bcfd) vs. Monthly 2021 gas demand
  • February’s hourly power generation by technology
  • February’s hourly and average daily Local Marginal Prices in the northern regions
  • Main modifications proposed

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Mexico gas and power markets: 2021 year-in-review

    PDF 1.17 MB