Market Report

South America solar PV outlook 2019

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South American markets are adding close to 3 GW of new solar PV on a yearly basis as of 2018. Led by the major markets of Brazil, Chile and Argentina, the region is seeing advancements in policy, competitive strategy and pricing for both utility scale and distributed generation PV. As more countries on the continent look to invest in renewables outside of hydropower, solar has become a major beneficiary of supporting policy frameworks that provide PV with competitive strategies and compelling business cases for investment. Auctions, deregulated marketplaces, net metering policies, tax exemptions and interconnection priority are all contributing to the growth of the market. Our Power & Renewables reports and data provide deep insight into the current and future state of electricity generation.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    South America Solar PV Outlook 2019_PR.pdf

    PDF 8.27 MB

  • Document

    South America Solar PV Outlook 2019_Data.xlsx

    XLSX 270.99 KB